
Vittima: Electronic SYSTEMS SpA

ID: 9857 rilevato il 26-07-2023 15:30:33 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Electronic Systems is a world leader in the production of cycle measurement, control and automation systems. It is constantly committed to improve its know-how and competences in the automation markets and to develop more modern measurement gauges and sensors in order to face the global market with ever greater impulsion. Its leading position is the result of a combination of state-of-the-art technology with an experienced research and development team enabling the Company to offer high-quality systems – absolutely essential for the safe and efficient management of the entire production process in the rubber and plastic industry. Together with a highly-performing production plant in Momo, in the province of Novara, with a staff of 100 persons including highly-specialised engineers and technicians, Electric Systems has strategic Customer Service offices in Germany, France, Spain, China, Poland, Brazil, North and South America to provide fast and reliable on-site after-sales services. Its positioning, the never-ending effort to increase the corporate expertise and competitiveness in the automation market as well as to develop the latest gauges and sensors in order to meet the requirements of the global market and the quality-oriented corporate policy have enabled Electric Systems to become one of the few Italian companies with a prominent position on the hard quality-focused German market, to fit about 90% of the rubber plants existing in China with its measurement systems and to reach an annual turnover exceeding 18 million Euros, as well as a yearly production capability of 2500 thickness measurement gauges. The new technologies created by the R&D department has led to the registration of innovative patents for Beta sensor measurement systems and for air-sensor thickness measurement systems and the corporate quality policy has resulted in the certification of a Quality Management System and a Management System according to ISO 9001:2008. The international corporate role is supported by the Company presence in the most important trade fairs and exhibitions, such as, Stretch & Shrink Film Cologne 2014, Specialty Packaging Films Asia 2014, ITEC Tire Manufacturing Akron 2014 and Chinaplast 2014 in Pudong, China. In 2013, Electronic Systems exhibited in Pack Expo in Las Vegas, NV, USA, ICE Europe in Munich, Multilayer Packfilms in Wien, Rubber Tech China, K 2013 in Düsserldorf, Stretch & Shrink Film in Cologne. Further back in time, it was present at “Plast” in Milan, “Equiplast” in Barcelona, “Europlast” in Paris, “Index” in Geneva, “Tire Expo” in Germany and “Rubbertech China” in China. Eletronic Systems also actively attends many international events and conferences. On June 2014, our CEO, Mr. Stefano Trizzino, took part in the last edition of AMI’s 5th North American conference on Multilayer Packaging Films held in Chicago presenting a paper entitled “Measuring Thickness on line to reduce waste and save money during production of multilayer packaging film! Why measuring thickness online – how to save money reducing waste and complaints“. On 2013, the Company participated in many conferences: Polyethylene films 2013 in Daytona, PET in Milan, Blown + PET-PP-PLA rigid films in Bangkok, Multilayer packaging in Chicago, BOPP film 2013 in Singapore, Multilayer pack films in Wien and Flexible pack Middle East in Abu Dhabi, highlighting once again the corporate commitment to increase its expertise and worldwide relevance.

Hash di rilevamento: a6a074e8bfb52f99ecad7c276de05f023772cfa39625d2bba839093eac23440b
Vittima localizzata in: Italy
Sito web: https://www.electronicsystems.it/
Settore lavorativo: Technologies

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