
Vittima: Ambrosini Holding

ID: 11058 rilevato il 26-09-2023 11:10:10 dal gruppo losttrust
Descrizione: Ambrosini Holding is a Food Group with five companies that work every day to ensure quality products on the tables of Italians. The Ambrosini Food Group is, first of all, the story of 3 generations with a common passion for their work and good food. Ambrosini is committed every day to bringing the best products to consumers ' tables respecting the environment, the economy and society for sustainable development.

Hash di rilevamento: 8046d348cbff5b86fc83b064b6931d03a292855e46fd04ede6c705dc22b69a1f
Vittima localizzata in: Italy
Sito web: https://www.ambrosiniholding.com
Settore lavorativo: Food and drinks businesses

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