
Vittima: Visan

ID: 12229 rilevato il 07-12-2023 06:57:30 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: CUTTING-EDGE NUTRITION AND TECHNOLOGY In Madrid, Visán owns a Pet Food Production Centre. The flexibility, quality and speed of response by the services offered by Visán have enabled the company to successfully expand into new markets outside of Spain. Visán currently exports its products to more than 15 countries throughout the European Union and beyond. The company has its own R&D+i centre where a team of veterinary experts is constantly working with a number of cats and dogs on the development of the best possible food products that are adapted to the nutritional requirements of your pet. Visán currently employs more than 120 people, including technicians, veterinary experts and production managers www.visan.es

Hash di rilevamento: 5bedc338f85c34ff93333abd967b4111c2f0590c0f38426b869825ebeb527f14
Vittima localizzata in: Spain
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Services

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