
Vittima: Seaman's Mechanical

ID: 15393 rilevato il 13-05-2024 02:15:35 dal gruppo incransom
Descrizione: Commercial/Industrial Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Refrigeration Expertise Since 1961, Seaman’s Mechanical has been committed to offering service that exceeds our customer’s expectations. Our Right the First Time results of over 99% delivers on our promise. When a Seaman’s truck comes to your place of business, you know exactly what to expect - Quality Service. Whether we’re designing and installing new heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, plumbing, or electrical equipment or maintaining and repairing existing systems, our goal is customer satisfaction.

Hash di rilevamento: 6f3465f9cfb3e8e943ece4bf30567d5a7194e8dd000b926c9f4a9d04ff4fba1f
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: www.seamansac.com
Settore lavorativo: Construction

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