
Vittima: municipality of Torre del Greco

ID: 5909 rilevato il 31-01-2023 05:52:29 dal gruppo royal
Descrizione: Torre del Greco (Italian pronunciation: Neapolitan: Torre d' 'o Grieco; "Greek man's Tower") is a comune in the Metropolitan City of Naples in Italy, with a population of c. 85,000 as of 2016. The locals are sometimes called Corallini because of the once plentiful coral in the nearby sea, and because the city has been a major producer of coral jewellery and cameo brooches since the seventeenth century.

Hash di rilevamento: 0649a5f5433ea4ca8326261a3aca8416bb04884e45b39cace5ef46f27cb003c2
Vittima localizzata in: Italy
Sito web: http://comune.torredelgreco.na.it
Settore lavorativo: Government and administrations

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