

Profilo, status e statistiche (dal 12-01-2020)

Statistiche mensili
# Data rilevamento Vittima Paese
# Data rilevamento Vittima Paese
13499 2024-02-29 04:15:08 Essential Labs USA
13478 2024-02-28 04:21:10 Saudia MRO Saudi Arabia
13479 2024-02-28 04:20:03 Bertani Trasporti Spa Italy
13475 2024-02-28 04:19:52 Acies Srl Italy
13476 2024-02-28 04:19:01 ROYAL INSIGNIA Singapore
13477 2024-02-28 04:18:02 RWF Frömelt Austria
13408 2024-02-23 04:13:18 C and J Industries, Inc. USA
13382 2024-02-21 02:54:43 Helical Technology UK
13383 2024-02-21 02:53:28 Axel Johnson Sweden
13278 2024-02-14 05:54:06 UNIFER France
13279 2024-02-14 05:53:17 Institutional Casework, Inc USA
13280 2024-02-14 05:52:26 ATB SA Ingénieurs-conseils SIA Switzerland
13214 2024-02-11 23:48:13 LILI'S BROWNIES France
13155 2024-02-07 03:00:29 PWS - The Laundry Company USA
13149 2024-02-07 02:59:46 PJ Green Inc USA
13150 2024-02-07 02:58:56 Worthen Industries USA
13151 2024-02-07 02:58:08 CERALP France
13152 2024-02-07 02:57:16 Harinck Belgium
13153 2024-02-07 02:56:30 Anderco PTE LTD Singapore
13154 2024-02-07 02:55:34 Tetrosyl Group Limited UK
13146 2024-02-07 02:54:39 Therme Laa Hotel and Silent Spa Austria
13147 2024-02-07 02:53:49 Karl Rieker GmbH and Co. KG Germany
13148 2024-02-07 02:52:45 YRW Limited - Chartered Accountants New Zealand

Questo script colleziona ogni rivendicazione criminale esattamente come esposta dalle fonti (modello "As Is"), in un database SQL per creare un feed permanente, che può anche essere seguito con tecnologia RSS.
Il motore è basato sul progetto ransomFeed, fork in GitHub.