

Profilo, status e statistiche (dal 12-01-2020)

Dettaglio cyber gang

Profilo gang by OSINT sources: [source: 0]

Unit42 states that HelloKitty is a ransomware family that first surfaced at the end of 2020, primarily targeting Windows systems. The malware family got its name due to its use of a Mutex with the same name: HelloKittyMutex. The ransomware samples seem to evolve quickly and frequently, with different versions making use of the .crypted or .kitty file extensions for encrypted files. Some newer samples make use of a Golang packer that ensures the final ransomware code is only loaded in memory, most likely to evade detection by security solutions.

Alerts: aka fivehands

N. rivendicazioni 2024 2023 2022
0 0 0 0
Fonte onionUltimo titoloStatusUltimo scrapeVersione Tor
3r6n77mpe737w4sbxxxrpc5phbluv6xhtdl5ujpnlvmck5tc7blq2rqd.onion News 🔴 02-10-2021 3
Note di riscatto

hellokitty : Crypto wallet(s)

address blockchain Balance
bc1ql5f3m75qx3ueu2pz5eeveyqsw6pdjs3ufk8r20 bitcoin $ 1072689

Last update : Monday 13/03/2023 21.09 (UTC)

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