

Profilo, status e statistiche (dal 12-01-2020)

Dettaglio cyber gang

Profilo gang by OSINT sources: [source: 0]

Hive is a strain of ransomware that was first discovered in June 2021. Hive was designed to be used by Ransomware-as-a-service providers, to enable novice cyber-criminals to launch ransomware attacks on healthcare providers, energy providers, charities, and retailers across the globe. In 2022 there was a switch from GoLang to Rust.

Alerts: US announces it seized Hive ransomware gang’s leak sites and decryption keys

N. rivendicazioni 2024 2023 2022
0 0 0 0
Fonte onionUltimo titoloStatusUltimo scrapeVersione Tor
hiveleakdbtnp76ulyhi52eag6c6tyc3xw7ez7iqy6wc34gd2nekazyd.onion This domain has been seized 🔴 27-01-2023 3
hivecust6vhekztbqgdnkks64ucehqacge3dij3gyrrpdp57zoq3ooqd.onion This domain has been seized 🔴 27-01-2023 3
hiveapi4nyabjdfz2hxdsr7otrcv6zq6m4rk5i2w7j64lrtny4b7vjad.onion This domain has been seized 🔴 27-01-2023 3
Note di riscatto

Questo script colleziona ogni rivendicazione criminale esattamente come esposta dalle fonti (modello "As Is"), in un database SQL per creare un feed permanente, che può anche essere seguito con tecnologia RSS.
Il motore è basato sul progetto ransomFeed, fork in GitHub.