

Profilo, status e statistiche (dal 12-01-2020)

Lista rivendicazioni
# Data rilevamento Vittima Paese
# Data rilevamento Vittima Paese
16506 2024-07-24 14:49:39 Jack "Designer" Sparrow. Canada
16501 2024-07-24 09:44:54 Industrial Bolsera Spain
16420 2024-07-18 18:49:34 all-mode.com USA
16392 2024-07-17 16:46:38 labline.it Italy
16196 2024-07-03 09:01:00 valleylandtitleco.com USA
15507 2024-05-19 06:31:06 Patriot Machine, Updated data leak. USA
15492 2024-05-17 23:45:12 Pittsburgh’s Trusted Orthopaedic Surgeons USA
13731 2024-03-14 14:48:47 voidinteractive.net you are welcome in our chat Ireland
13640 2024-03-09 05:51:04 Watsonclinic.com USA
13102 2024-02-05 01:35:28 DOD contractors you are welcome in our chat. USA
12039 2023-11-24 17:45:21 carriereindustrial.com Canada
12038 2023-11-24 17:44:54 Albert, Righter & Tittmann architechts, inc. USA
11463 2023-10-21 17:34:50 Sidockgroup USA
10887 2023-09-19 16:03:16 Gossler, Gobert & Wolters Group. Germany
10886 2023-09-19 15:44:28 Agilitas IT Solutions Limited UK
9767 2023-07-23 12:54:28 Jackson Township Police Department and Administration. USA
9663 2023-07-17 13:22:07 Southwest Healthcare Services USA
9342 2023-07-09 08:25:13 JANUS Research Group USA
9336 2023-07-09 08:24:44 Garden Hotel NARITA Japan
9337 2023-07-09 08:24:17 Montgomery General Hospital USA
9338 2023-07-09 08:23:49 Nabtesco Motion Control USA
9339 2023-07-09 08:23:21 UnitedLex.com USA
9340 2023-07-09 08:22:54 The Travel Network Group UK
9341 2023-07-09 08:22:28 Jacklyn Dawson Solicitors UK
9272 2023-07-03 20:52:13 Peroni Pompe Italy
4777 2022-09-28 21:39:45 Health Care Solutions Group
4776 2022-09-28 19:42:28 Evo exhibits
4576 2022-09-01 16:50:37 Monarchnc
4511 2022-08-24 19:44:25 Enso Detego
4510 2022-08-24 19:44:24 Sando
4509 2022-08-24 19:44:22 CMZ UK
4508 2022-08-24 19:44:20 PlanET Biogas Solutions Germany
4507 2022-08-24 19:44:18 Sheppard Robson UK

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Il motore è basato sul progetto ransomFeed, fork in GitHub.