

Profilo, status e statistiche (dal 12-01-2020)

Lista rivendicazioni
# Data rilevamento Vittima Paese
# Data rilevamento Vittima Paese
5606 2022-12-27 00:54:25 FURETANK,SIRIUS SHIPPING,VAS,DONSONET Sweden
5574 2022-12-22 08:54:37 Cervecería Regional
5536 2022-12-18 09:13:04 OPUS IT Services Singapore
5535 2022-12-18 09:13:03 H-Hotels
5533 2022-12-18 09:13:01 Creta Farm
5521 2022-12-16 08:46:24 Arsat
5520 2022-12-16 08:46:23 JMicron
5503 2022-12-14 01:04:21 Austria Presse Agentur
5502 2022-12-14 01:04:20 Skoda Praha
5501 2022-12-14 01:04:19 MME Group
5491 2022-12-13 01:01:55 Cetrogar
5492 2022-12-13 01:01:55 VFS
5476 2022-12-12 01:01:15 Una Seguros
5475 2022-12-11 22:52:37 Antwerpen
5436 2022-12-11 07:53:34 PVFCCo
5435 2022-12-11 07:53:33 Leadtek
5433 2022-12-11 07:53:32 Itsgroup
5434 2022-12-11 07:53:32 Ministry of Transport and Public Works
5432 2022-12-11 07:53:31 Origin Property Company Limited
5431 2022-12-11 07:53:30 Conseil departemental - Alpes-Maritimes
5430 2022-12-11 07:53:29 Wrota Mazowsza
5429 2022-12-11 07:53:28 UJV Rez
5427 2022-12-11 07:53:26 Hilldrup

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Il motore è basato sul progetto ransomFeed, fork in GitHub.