

Profilo, status e statistiche (dal 12-01-2020)

Dettaglio cyber gang

Profilo gang by OSINT sources: [source: 0]

Sodinokibi ransomware group also known as REvil (Ransomware Evil) operates as a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) model. After the group compromised his victims, they would threaten to publish the victim's sensitive data on their darknet blog named 'Happy Blog', unless the ransom is paid. The ransomware malware code used by REvil is pretty similar to the ransomware code used by DarkSide - a different threat actor. REvil group claims to steal information after a successful attack on the supplier of the tech giant Apple and stole confidential schematics of their upcoming products.


N. rivendicazioni 2025 2024 2023
0 0 0 0
Fonte onionUltimo titoloStatusUltimo scrapeVersione Tor
dnpscnbaix6nkwvystl3yxglz7nteicqrou3t75tpcc5532cztc46qyd.onion 404 Not Found 🔴 19-08-2022 3
aplebzu47wgazapdqks6vrcv6zcnjppkbxbr6wketf56nf6aq2nmyoyd.onion 404 Not Found 🔴 19-08-2022 3
blogxxu75w63ujqarv476otld7cyjkq4yoswzt4ijadkjwvg3vrvd5yd.onion Blog 🔴 06-01-2023 3
Note di riscatto

revil : Crypto wallet(s)

address blockchain Balance
3BeQ9H5tByJK9CeeZftDsBFhgt1i5Q7AQK bitcoin $ 3006
3L7ECcRBCypxrS5U9Kw9WexcsHmX4wKYz6 bitcoin $ 11042163
34mMCqo83wc8GeLWjSPeQE8QiY9LKnkNuj bitcoin $ 47778
3JYLAk26kZPw62W6UD2Jyk5i9jhCAPJjg4 bitcoin $ 321653
3Jxwt3fmXhUwDNDQ4sWYCgahLGDVjy1SQm bitcoin $ 434830
3HTHHMm2YwNdwEDkGc6dRyxxKvByymeVqV bitcoin $ 286355
3E9F7gE3upQ8rgsPjwiKH7ugfdneypPjqj bitcoin $ 0

Last update : Monday 13/03/2023 21.09 (UTC)

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Il motore è basato sul progetto ransomFeed, fork in GitHub.