
Vittima: bionpharma.com

ID: 11602 rilevato il 01-11-2023 11:19:57 dal gruppo blackbasta
Descrizione: Launched in 2014, BionPharma was founded by a team of executives and professionals with years of cumulative experience in the generics industry. Bionpharma’s goals are to develop and commercialize affordable quality generics and building strong and effective partnerships. Based in Princeton, New Jersey, and with offices in Raleigh, North Carolina BionPharma is licensed to do business in the United States and is accomplished in the areas of product development, regulatory affairs, quality management, sales and distribution, and supply chain management. Today, Bionpharma is one of the largest suppliers of soft gel capsules in the US market with a strong presence in both the prescription and over-the-counter markets. Bionpharma enjoys a presence in all the pharmacy chains across the US market, with online presence for certain of our OTC products on AmazonSITE: Address 400 Alexander Park Princeton, NJ 08540

Hash di rilevamento: fb1e331ee3bd3d74b25c6142e6af506fa96e64dc8dff8f30edec77dfb15328b6
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Pharmacy and drugs manufacturing

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