
Vittima: Corporate Technologies

ID: 6870 rilevato il 04-04-2023 22:17:01 dal gruppo blackbasta
Descrizione: Corporate Technologies never puts IT first, it always puts people first, both internally and externally. Many companies try to claim this yet, they fall extremely short of being able to prove it. Clearly, that aspect of the Corporate Technologies brand personality is exemplified through actions.Corporate Technologies is all about relationships and it is one of the clearly defendable aspects of the organization’s brand personality. Corporate Technologies defines solutions through conversations, leading to relationships that untimely define people-focused technology-driven solutions. Solutions, that once implemented, translate technology into performance defined and measured from the customer’s perspective.SITE: www.gocorptech--> Address 6210 Bury Dr, Eden PrairieMinnesota, 55346, United StatesTel: (952) 715-3600

Hash di rilevamento: 40819599cfde7ff3b30c80532e06698be21352af726340b4073bec04dbbee4c5
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Technologies

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