

ID: 10289 rilevato il 17-08-2023 18:11:23 dal gruppo blackbasta
Descrizione: Bühnenbau Schnakenberg was founded 1877 from smallest beginnings to a company which sets the benchmarks of stage building with innovative ideas. A company which has given significantly to the technical development of stages and theatres. The company’s policy, first written down in 1891 for the operations of the company and its employees. Today Bühnenbau Schnakenberg is worldwide leader in several / key production areas and distributes through some of the strongest marketing partners in the industry. Modern production facilities and manufacturing methods, friendly, motivated and dedicates employees and a unique Know-How guarantee success today and tomorrow.SITE: www.schnakenberg.deADDRESS Rosenthalstr. 16 D- 42369 Wuppertal

Hash di rilevamento: f346e86d8dc76226c8be5e1c2477990a84fe0bbfa65e09597f79f8bfc0a46bb4
Vittima localizzata in: Germany
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Culture and entertainment

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