
Vittima: Mondial and Framec

ID: 6630 rilevato il 23-03-2023 13:00:59 dal gruppo blackbasta
Descrizione: THE TWO BRANDS - Mondial and Framec have more than 60 years’ experience in the field of the professional refrigeration. The tradition and the reliability of our products have always been our strengths; ensuring a strong and rooted presence in more than 20 Countries. Discover our products, innovative but with a great tradition ready to preserve the taste of aliments and drinks in every situation offering different solutions for all your needs.From Ice & Pastry, Market, Wine, to Beverage, Kitchen & Catering and Medical.SITE: www.mondialframec--> Address 34 S.s. 31 N, Mirabello MonferratoPiedmont, 15040Italy

Hash di rilevamento: 5b61eeb4b20daf57e7d5938c17b986df59589b9974df3239c326d1f73388f8f7
Vittima localizzata in: Italy
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

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